• WBFSH 30 year anniversary
  • 25-06-2024

    WBFSH 30th Anniversary - Interview Series (Part II) Rik van Miert

  • Nadine Brandtner
    Nadine Brandtner

    General Manager

  • For the 30th Anniversary of the WBFSH we catch up with a series of prominent people that have been or still are an integral part of the organisation. What do breeding and the WBFSH mean to them?

    For the next interview in our anniversary series, we met up with Rik van Miert, who has been part of the WBFSH since its inception, at first in his role as chairman of the Finance Committee, and since 1999 as Vice President. He retired from the board in 2017, but the WBFSH is still close to his heart. A breeder himself, he shares his memories of how and why the WBFSH started, but also what he feels the threats are to the future of breeding and the role of the WBFSH in the future.
